Recent media reports and our direct communication with ferry operators Stena and Irish Ferries indicate that a timeline of January 16th remains achievable for the re-opening of Holyhead port on a phased basis, with limited berthing operations, as the main section damaged remains out of action with significant works required to put this right again.
Whilst this limited re-opening is a positive step forward the logistics of ensuring that it happens remains delicate. Both ferry companies will have limited use of a single berthing facility which will change the timings of both the arrival and departure of vessels using this Irish sea corridor.
Since early December our contingency planning team at NIC have taken energetic steps to reroute our drivers and express trailer equipment through alternative British ports to and from Ireland. Our #1 goal has been to continue providing time definite express services albeit through different ferry routings both to and from UK.
Like many operators in the freight industry the considerable cost of undertaking this arrangement has been quite significant for us, with no financial support from either the British or Irish governments, to date.
Early indications show that additional surcharges may be applied temporarily by hauliers the longer the disruption to port infrastructure continues. At NIC we will continue to monitor developments at Holyhead and will update you as more details emerge from the ferry operators.